Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Poppyseed...

We've been calling this new little one, "the poppyseed," after reading last week, or the week before, that the closest approximation to size is to the lovely poppyseed.  This week, the baby is the size of a sweet pea, or roughly half the size of a blueberry, but we're kind of stuck on "the poppyseed," so it remains the nickname of choice.  Much better than "it," don't you think?

I am lucky enough to have an AWESOME sister-in-law who is also an ultrasound tech, so last week, when I was feeling crampy, she took me back to assuage my fears!  And, we got to see the lovely little sac, that the poppyseed is calling home!  This might not seem so amazing to you, but it's pretty amazing to me, and more importantly, there was only ONE little sac, and it was in the exact right location, which is even better!


Other than being an incubator (Anne said it best there!), things are pretty good around here.  I'm starting to adjust to being home, and not in school, and Landon sure seems to like it that way.  This week's goal is to NOT go into town everyday, and so far, I've only gone in once since Saturday, which is some sort of personal record for me!  Today's plans are to bake some bread, or some cinnamon rolls, to actually make a homecooked meal for dinner, and to just relax and try to kick this cold to the curb for good.

1 comment:

camille said...

Oh, just look at that itty-bitty guy/girl! Cute lil' poppyseed! I am so excited for you. I hope you are feeling better...